Shrutirupa is an active technical blogger at She has been a speaker at various conferences like BSides Singapore (2019), OWASP Seasides (2019, 2020), Rootconf (2019), EnCypher20 (2020), Tech(k)now Day 2021, and various local and virtual meetups. She loves playing CTFs and aspires to be a Reverse Engineer and Malware Analyst in the future.
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All Sessions by Shrutirupa Banerjiee
Day Oct 14, 2021
Ransomware & its flavors, tips & tools to fight back
Ransomware attacks are one common and targeted attack on any organization. An organization needs to be all prepared for a cyber attack, especially for ransomware. The session will cover how an organization is targeted by a ransomware attack, and what could be the possible steps to be taken by an organization in advance. The audience will learn about what ransomware is, in reality, how does it look like - along with understanding some basics of analyzing it, without getting it executed in the system.