
Taking you towards successful digital future

Together we can do it

No hidden costs, choice of deployment model, adaptive security workflow and no minimum contract value

Free Trial

Register for a complimentary 3 month trial of our MFA, Business Email, WordPress, SSO, IAM, and CIAM solutions.

Dealing with a complex use case?

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Connect with RainbowSecure IAM experts for their SSO, MFA, and provisioning needs.

Non-profits and Educational

Get free licenses and discounts on SSO, MFA, and other IAM/CIAM solutions if you are an educational or non-profit organization

Employee IAM is designed to manage and protect the identities of internal employees and remote workforce.
> No minimum annual contract value.

> Volume discounts for higher user tiers.
* This price does not cover the costs of SMS and support, which may vary depending on the chosen plan, user volume and support package. Please contact us for more detailed quote.

Compare Plan & Features

CategoryFeatureFree Plan (3-Month Trial)Basic Plan (Minimum 10 Users) $4/User/MonthStandard Plan (Minimum 25 Users) $8/User/MonthProfessional Plan (Minimum 50 Users) $12/User/MonthEnterprise Plan (Minimum 500 Users) $16/User/Month
MFACustomizable Password MFAFormatting Color and Style OptionsFormatting Color and Style OptionsFormatting Color and Style OptionsFormatting Color and Style OptionsFull Customization with Admin Controls
Passwordless OTP AuthenticationOTP Over Email and SMS authenticationOTP Over Email authenticationOTP Over Email and SMS authenticationOTP Over Email and SMS authenticationMulti-Channel OTP + and Mobile App authentication
AI & bot protection with In-built Captcha Include Include Include Include Include
Zero-Trust SecurityNot IncludeNot IncludeNot Include Include Include
Brute-force, Keylogger Malwares & Phishing Protection Include Include Include Include Advanced Security customization available
Prevents Login DDos Attacks Include Include Include Include Include
Integration with SaaS apps & Cloud TenantsIntegration included Only with MS Office and Google Integration included with MS Office and GoogleSaaS Integration IncludeInclude
Integration custom Cloud apps Not Include Not IncludeNot IncludeInclude
Integration with custom mobile workflowNot IncludeNot IncludeNot IncludeNot IncludeInclude
Advanced Server AccessNot IncludeNot IncludeNot IncludeNot IncludeInclude
Audit Log Retention for ComplianceNot IncludeNot Include3-Month Retention6-Month Retention12-Month Retention
SSOSSO SAAS Integrations for 1000+ SAML based Cloud AppsUp to two apps like office and googleUp to 3 appsIntegrate Up to 10 Apps.Unlimited Apps.Unlimited Apps.
Integration with Identity Providers (IdP) like Okta, Azure AD, Google Workspace, AWS IAMNot IncludeNot IncludeIntegration with Google & Microsoft Entra IDIntegration with Google & Microsoft Entra IDFull External IDP Support
Custom BrandingNot IncludeNot IncludeNot IncludeCustom Logo & URLFull Branding Control
Group, Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) & App Access Control (APAC)Not IncludeNot IncludeBasic Group AccessGroup, Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)Advanced Group, Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) & App Access Control (APAC) include
Compliance Audit LogNot IncludeNot Include3-Month Retention6-Month Retention12-Month Retention
SSO for In-House & Legacy AppsCloud Apps OnlyCloud & On-Premise Support
User ManagementUser DirectoryBasic DirectoryBasic DirectoryDirectory with Group OrganizationAdvanced Directory with Role AssignmentsFull Directory with Custom Roles & Policies
Provisioning & DeprovisioningNot IncludeNot IncludeManual Provisioning via help desk ticket.Automated Provisioning & DeprovisioningFull Automation with Custom Workflows
Self-Service Password ResetNot IncludeNot IncludeBasic ResetEnhanced Self-Service ResetFull Reset with Custom Security Options
Compliance Audit LogsNot IncludeNot IncludeBasic Logs (3-Month Retention)6-Month Retention12-Month Retention with Detailed Reporting
Access ManagementLimited Access ControlsLimited Access ControlsGroup-Based AccessRole & Group-Based AccessAdvanced Access Policies & Rules
Adaptive MFAAdaptive WorkflowsLimited Adaptive WorkflowsLimited Adaptive WorkflowsLimited Adaptive WorkflowsLimited Adaptive WorkflowsFull Custom Adaptive Workflows
24/7 AI MonitoringBasic MonitoringBasic MonitoringBasic MonitoringBasic MonitoringAdvanced AI-Powered Real-Time Monitoring
Risk Analytics & Report accessNot IncludeNot IncludeNot IncludeBasic Risk AnalyticsComprehensive Risk Analytics with Reporting
Geo-Location FencingCountry Level OnlyCountry Level OnlyBasic Geo-LockingAdvanced Geo-Fencing with Custom RulesReal-Time Geo-Fencing by Individual User
Time-Based AccessNot IncludeNot IncludeNot IncludeStandard Time-Based AccessFull Custom Time-Based Control
On-Demand / just in time & Assisted AccessNot IncludeNot IncludeNot IncludeNot IncludeOn-Demand & Assisted Access for High-Security Scenarios

Designed to manage and protect external identities and user access such as customers (website/mobile app visitors), students/staff, citizens, bank customers, etc.

* This price does not cover the costs of cloud hosting and support, which may vary depending on the chosen plan, user volume and support package. 

Please contact us for more detailed quote.


30 Days
$ 0
  • For SMBs/ small groups just getting started with RainbowSecure


Upto 400 Users
$ 40
  • For business that require integration with external identity


Upto 400 Users
$ 80
  • For business that need basic MFA with connections to multiple identity sources.


  • "Best for Bank, government and healthcare projects that require advanced security and enterprise integration to scale up."

Feature Comparison by Plan for Users, Member Websites, and Web Applications (B2B2C )

FeatureFree PlanBasic PlanPro PlanEnterprise Plan
Multi-Factor AuthenticationCustomizable Password MFACustomizable Password MFARainbow Password + Email OTPRainbow Password, Email OTP, and SMS OTP (SMS charges apply)
Brute-force & Phishing ProtectionBrute-force & Phishing ProtectionAdvanced ProtectionAdvanced Protection, Real-Time Threat Detection
Single Sign-On (SSO)SSO for up to 2 appsSSO for up to 4 appsSSO for up to 5 apps with advanced integrations
User ManagementBasic user management (add/remove users)Add/remove/disable accountsGroup-based access managementFull user management with roles and permissions
Self-Service Password ResetSelf-Service Password ResetSelf-Service Password ResetSelf-Service Password Reset
Custom BrandingBasic branding (logo only)Branding with logo and colorsFull branding customization (login screens, notifications, etc.)
Compliance and Audit LogsBasic logs (3-month retention)Comprehensive logs (12-month retention)
AI Monitoring & SecurityBasic risk analyticsReal-time AI monitoring with anomaly detection and automated threat responses
User Activity MonitoringBasic activity logsAdvanced logs with alerts for suspicious behavior

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