Plan Ahead To Succeed In Online World

Serving customers in cloud is now a reality for 99% of the businesses. It takes a collaborative effort of stakeholders, users and InfoSec experts to create sound and agile security environment. We help your business workflow to be security savvy at every step. Data Security and Privacy is not an after thought. Its part of doing business and gaining customer trust.

Cyber Security Readiness Assessment

Assess your readiness against cyber threats that may target your business model. We help you identify opportunities and options to do security better.

Seamless, Pre-Built Integration

We help you become compliance ready. We understand the compliance issues you face and create the road map to mitigate any issues flagged by your auditor.

Application Security Architecture Assessment

You have designed, developed wonderful application. We help you make it security ready by evaluating its architecture, data flows, api access, production deployment environment and access control methods.

Database Security Architecture Assessment

Reliable and Secure data tier is the foundation of any application. We do database security audit, dataflow assessment and access evaluation and offer opportunities and options for improvement.

Data Security & Privacy Design

We help you design your data tier with built-in considerations for security and privacy as per your use case and your industry regulation. We help you design for compliance reporting from the go.

Business Continuity Planning & Support

We help you establish disaster recovery and business continuity program including unfortunate cyber disasters. Optionally, We offer to monitor your business services, data flows, websites and applications. Additionally our on demand cloud and database experts can help you go back online in most efficient and timely manner.

Cyber Risk Management

We help you manage your cyber risks from financial perspective by helping you get ready for technology and cyber risk insurance. Unfortunate events do happen due to system or human errors we help you be ready from all angles.

Data Privacy Assessment & Configuration

We assess Data Security & Privacy needs of your business environment & industry and get help configure it in your application, reporting dashboards and backend databases like SQL Server, Azure SQL, Oracle and others.

Cyber Safety Training

Employees, partners should be empowered with right education when working, conducting business activities online. Our custom built cyber safety training will give much needed education on better cyber hygiene and best practices that resonates with your environment and industry.

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Related Offerings

Our Products

Here are the Rainbow Secure products we recommend to enable secure remote work.

SSO - Single Sign on Solution

Use only one set of login credentials for access to all apps in cloud and on premise. Rainbow Secure login for all your apps everywhere.

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IAM - Identity Life Cycle Management & Integration

Provision, Deprovision users through admin dashboard and custom integrations with HR and Business Systems. 

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CIAM - Customer Identity Access Management

Modern Customer Identity and next gen graphical Login Authentication helps you win customer trust & keep their accounts safe.

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Rainbow Password

Rainbow Password Multi-layer security gives strong login defense without burden.

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Passwordless Zero-Trust Security

Flexible Passwordless Zero Trust Security that verify users each time.

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Rainbow Secure Email

Rainbow Secure Email powered by Office 365 Business. It can be used as a login email for office, google, Amazon, Godaddy and many other cloud services. No fear of account takeover,  phishing and stolen credentials.
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Rainbow Secure Smart MFA

Multi-layer multi-factor giving balanced friction security.

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AI Monitoring & Alerting

Automated monitoring of user actions and alerting for suspicious patterns and access requests.

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GeoACL Access Gateway

Centralized platform to monitor, manage access to data and systems, on prem and in cloud.

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Data Vault

Securely Manage Your Sensitive Business Data & Secrets

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Encryption Tool

Military Grade Encryption Tool for Your Sensitive Data, Config Files & Documents

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Cyber Services

Add, enhance your cyber defense strategy with Rainbow Secure vCISO Services, cyber readiness assessment & data security, privacy audits 

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Transform Your Digital Workflow, Be Productive, Reduce Risk And Save Money

Pre-Integrated solutions for 100+ cloud, On premise, Mobile Apps & Contained environment Apps. As per our survey on 1000 user

Risk Reduced With Multi-Layer Interactive Stylish Login

Users Prefer Minimal Workflow Changes


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